HOC EST CORPUS MEUM - Benjamin Zuber


2014, Video, 16m50s

In a Baroque church, a number of ritual-actions are performed. I thought of both Christian liturgy and sports events, of dance choreographies, pop culture and fashion. I spent dozens of nights alone in this church and took care of all the technical requirements of the shooting completely by myself.

With its opulent, painting-like imagery and its numerous references to fine arts and film, the scenario defies definition and tiptoes around the fine line between humor and pathos. The tableauesque impression notwithstanding, the actions still remain performative; this is because of the ever present fact that – regardless of the number of protagonists on screen – there is only one actor as well as all technical requirements are taken care of by this very person, too. So completely being by oneself during the shooting simultaneously determines and enables the whole process.


7 Minutes cut-together – full version 17m37s

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